Wakizashi attributed to Sue Bizen/Harumitsu

Wakizashi in Shirasaya attributed to Sue Bizen,
with NBTHk Hozon paper and old handwritten Origami.

The blade is Mumei unsigned, attributed to 末備前 Sue Bizen (late Muromachi period) by NBTHk Hozon paper.

The Bizen Osafune school is one of the most famous Smiths, it actived as early as the late Kamakura period and prospered all the way until the Bakumatsu period (~19th century).

I believe this sword is very iconic work of this school, with a beautiful, very identifiable Bizen Osafune style Choji hamon, oftenly described as 蟹の爪Kani No Tsume “crab claw” style.

It also comes with an old handwritten Origami certificate, this Origami is written on the 15th year of Showa (~1940) in Chiba prefecture. It provided the same attribution as the NBTHk Hozon paper, but more specifically attributed the blade to 備前長船春光 Bizen Osafune Harumitsu.

Paper – NBTHK Hozon attributed to Sue Bizen (Late Muromachi Period). And old Handwritten Origami Certificate more specifically attributed to Bizen Osafune Harumitsu.

Mei – Mumei

Nagasa – 52.8 cm

Sugata – Shinogi-zukuri

Sori – Koshi-zori 1.6 cm

Kissaki – Chu

Mune – Iori

Kasane –  0.7 cm

Mihaba – 2.8 cm

Nakago – Ubu – Standard with kuri-jiri

Mekugi Anna – 1

Yasurime  – Not Seen

Hamon –  Nioi-deki – Choji with Kani No Tsume (Crab Claw)

Boshi – Ko-maru

Hada –  Itame

Price – £1500