Yoroi Dosh signed Mihara Ju Fuyuhiro

A fantastic example of a 鎧通 Yoroi-doshi (Armour piercing Tanto).

The 三原 Mihara school began around the late 鎌倉 Kamakura period, when a group of 手掻 Tegai school smiths moved from  大和 Yamato  to the 三原 Mihara area in the province of 備後 Bingo. It is said that the work of Mihara school blades often have the style of  大和伝 Yamato-den work.

PeriodKoto – Muromachi (1336-1573)

Paper – No Papers

Mei – Mihara Ju Fuyuhiro

Nagasa – 23.8 cm

Sugata – Hira-zukuri

Sori – 0 cm

Mune – Iori

Kasane – 0.8 cm

Mihaba – 2 cm

Nakago – Ubu

Mekugi Anna – 1

Hamon –  Nioi-deki

Boshi – Ko-maru

Hada –  Itame

Price – £700